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    Zum vierten Mal öffnete der Webkongress Erlangen (WKE) seine Pforten. 22 renommierte Referenten brachten vom 20. bis 21. März den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern die Schwerpunktthemen Content-Management, Barrierefreiheit und Webdesign näher. Bei den Vorträgen wurde eine thematische Ausgewogenheit zwischen technischem Praxiswissen der Entwickler, benutzerfreundlichen User-Interfaces und modernem Design für die Nutzer angestrebt.Ein absolutes Highlight stellte die breite Palette an CMS-Vorträgen dar. Insgesamt wurden neun verschiedene und aktuelle Content Management Systeme – Kirby, Drupal 8, REDAXO, Plone, WordPress, ProcessWire, TYPO3 Neos, Joomla und MODX –  von Experten vorgestellt und genau beleuchtet. Hinweis:Alle Vorträge wurden aufgezeichnet und können auf dieser Seite abgerufen werden. Die Reihenfolge der Vorträge richtet sich nach der Einteilung in die drei Themenbereiche Content Management Systeme (CMS), Barrierefreiheit (BF) und Webdesign (WD).

    Itunes UEngineering


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    Con motivo deste 25 aniversario programaronse unha serie de eventos académicos e culturais cos que se pretende homenaxear ós alumnos -hoxe profesionais-, ós docentes e ós empresarios que contribuiron ó desenrolo e o éxito da especialidade en Galicia.

    Itunes UEngineeringBusiness


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    Itunes UEngineering


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    Nibbles in Space is a series of short podcasts from SpaceProf, making space more accessible. A nibble is half a byte. A nibble is 4 bits of information, whether you listen to it as a podcast or if want a little more of a Nibble you can read it at SpaceProf is Prof. Malcolm Macdonald, Chair of Applied Space Technology at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland.



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    This lecture focuses on recent developments in image processing driven by medical applications. All algorithms are motivated by practical problems. The mathematical tools required to solve the considered image processing tasks will be introduced.The lecture will be composed of the following topics:Motivation: Introduction to Medical Image ProcessingAcquisition: Basic Concepts of Different ModalitiesModality Dependent Image EnhancementSegmentation of Medical ImagesImage Sequences: Processing of Multiple ImagesReconstruction in Medical ImagingVolume ProcessingImage Registration and FusionComputer Aided Diagnosis

    Itunes UEngineering


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    In dem Audiocast "Tonspur Forschung" ist die bekannte Podcasterin Annik Rubens an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München spannenden Forschungsfragen auf der Spur. In der ersten Staffel hat Annik Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler aus den verschiedensten Fachbereichen besucht und in Gesprächen und Interviews einzigartige Einblicke in die Forschungsschwerpunkte an der LMU gewonnen. In der zweiten Staffel hat sie aktuelle Fragen aus der Wissenschaft mit Hilfe von Expertinnen und Experten beantwortet. Die Ergebnisse ihrer Erkundungen gibt es hier zum Nachhören.

    Itunes UScienceHealth


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    The Academy offers an accredited curriculum that provides technical and leadership training to meet the needs of NASA's technical workforce at all career levels and supports a range of professional development activities and experiences outside the classroom for individual, team, and organizational learning.



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    L'edizione 2013 del PhD plus introduce molte novità rispetto alle edizioni precedenti. Oltre all'attività seminariale, si prevede un'interazione con il Master in Business Administration dell'Università di Pisa che permetterà ad alcuni partecipanti al PhD plus, di seguire il modulo "Entrepreneurship".Gli obiettivi che il PhD plus si propone di raggiungere sono i seguenti:Sviluppare l'intra-preneurship (capacità di fare innovazione all'interno di un'impresa) e l'entre-preneurship (capacità di creare una propria impresa);Incrementare le opportunità di carriera dei neolaureati e dei dottori di ricerca;Aumentare l'internazionalizzazione degli studenti, delle start-up e degli spin-off;Fornire le competenze e gli strumenti che permettano ai ricercatori dell'Università di Pisa di valorizzare e proteggere i risultati delle loro ricerche;Strutturare, in modo organico, le filiere e le iniziative interne all'Ateneo riguardanti il processo di trasferimento tecnologico coinvolgendo tutti gli attori di esso: studenti, ricercatori, professori e staff tecnico-amministrativo;Potenziare la rete di rapporti del nostro Ateneo con tutto il sistema che sottende il processo di trasferimento tecnologico, a livello sia intra-regionale sia inter-regionale, possibilmente varcando i confini nazionali.

    Itunes UEngineeringBusiness


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    This lecture focuses on recent developments in image processing driven by medical applications. All algorithms are motivated by practical problems. The mathematical tools required to solve the considered image processing tasks will be introduced. This lecture focuses on interventional procedures. It is not necessary to attend DIAGNOSTIC MEDICAL IMAGE PROCESSING (DMIP) before.

    Itunes UEngineering


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    Lakeside Labs performs research on self-organizing systems and, in particular, their application in technology. Here you find some of our publications.

    Itunes UEngineering


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    Objetos de aprendizaje públicos de la colección de la Facultad de Administración y Dirección de Empresas

    Itunes UBusinessEngineering


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    Itunes UEngineering


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    Itunes UEngineering


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    Itunes UEngineering


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    Itunes UEngineering


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    Itunes UEngineering


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    The conference, held in Pisa on October 5-6 2012, was devoted to present the most recent advances on the study of semantic representations in congenitally blind people from the perspectives of linguistics, vision and cognitive neurosciences. The talks focused on two domains where the relationship between language, conceptual structure and senso-motory information is particularly relevant, i.e. concrete terms and spatial language. The conference brought together an international and interdisciplinary pool of experts facing the topic from several theoretical and methodological approaches. Furthermore, the results of the Italian PRIN project 2008 "Semantic representations in the language of the blind: linguistic and neurocognitive studies" were presented and discussed. The final panel discussed crucial aspects of the social life of the blind. The conference was co-organized by Giovanna Marotta (University of Pisa), Alessandro Lenci (University of Pisa) and Marco Baroni (University of Trento).

    Itunes ULanguageEngineering


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    Curso intermedio sobre el manejo del programa de hoja de cálculo Microsoft Excel. En el se tratan las plantillas y hojas vinculadas, los subtotales, esquemas y agrupaciones, las tablas y gráficos dinámicos, las funciones, la simulación de escenarios, la búsqueda de objetivos y la importación de datos

    Itunes UEngineering


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    Itunes UEngineering


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    Spring 2011 - UCL's Lunch Hour Lecture Series is an opportunity for anyone to sample the exceptional research work taking place at the university, in bite-size chunks. Speakers are drawn from across UCL and lectures frequently showcase new research and recent academic publications. Lunch Hour Lectures require no pre-booking, are free to attend and are open to anyone on a first-come, first-served basis.

    EngineeringComputer ScienceHealth


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    O Congreso FINTDI (Fomento e Innovación con Novas Tecnoloxías na Docencia da Enxeñería) ten como obxetivo dar a coñecer e por en común as experiencias de innovación docente que se están desenvolvendo no ámbito da enxeñería nas diferentes universidades iberoamericanas e valorar conxuntamente as repercusións destes novos métodos docentes, tendo presente que a innovación debe estar sempre supeditada a unha educación de calidade.

    Itunes UEngineering


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    Curso sobre procedimientos de construcción. Se tratan los costes de la maquinaria, su amortización, la producción de los equipos, la planificación de los trabajos con redes de precedencia y PERT y se detallan procedimientos de uso de compactadores.

    Itunes UEngineering


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    Itunes UEngineering


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    Itunes UEngineering


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