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    Welcome to the Footy Travelers Podcast, the ultimate destination for football fanatics and globe-trotting adventurers! If you live and breathe the beautiful game and dream of exploring the world, this is the show for you. Through riveting stories, passionate discussions, and expert insights from special guests - whether you're a fan of the world's most popular sport or an avid traveler seeking inspiration for your next adventure - the Footy Travelers Podcast is your passport to the thrilling intersection of soccer and wanderlust.



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    Join Tinsae and her guests as they delve deeper into the realities of navigating the thoughts and feelings that come with being a young adult. We are here to decolonize our minds, amplify our different perspectives, and avoid problematic people.Follow The Awaze Podcast Instagram to stay updated on uploads: And follow me at

    SocietyCulturePersonal Journals


    1 Rating

    بودكاست «مساحة» يحاور نشطاء لمناقشة المشاكل الاجتماعيّة والاقتصاديّة التي نواجهها من عدسة نسويّة. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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    The Latter Day Lives Podcast features interviews with fascinating people who belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This is a fun, positive, faith-promoting podcast. New episodes each week!



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    A weekly show all about audiobooks recorded at the RNIB Talking Book studios.We talk to your favourite authors and narrators, along with reviews and news about new audiobooks.Presented and produced by Robert Kirkwood, you'll find a new episode here every Friday at 1pm plus bonus content such as longer uncut interviews and episodes of our occasional extra show, The Book Group.Talking Books is a free service from RNIB giving access to over 40,000 fiction and non fiction books for adults and children. Find out more by searching for RNIB Library.Get involved and join the conversation by emailing or find Robert on Twitter @Talking_Books( Other great podcast channels from RNIB Connect RadioConnect ( - Our main channel with news, features and articles on sight loss.Conversations ( - Blind and partially sighted people speaking about a wide range of topics.Tech Talk ( - Technology for blind and partially sighted people.Sport ( - See sport differently.The Happy Hour ( - Mental health, mindfulness, and overall wellbeing.Tracks of My Life ( - Take a journey through our guest's life.Support ( - Other podcasts from RNIB.TV Guide ( - Daily audio TV listings

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    Join hosts Mike and Andre as they break down current events and discuss sports, gaming, fashion, music, and more.



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    Sengoku Daimyo's Chronicles of Japan is a Japanese history podcast where we will be going through a chronological history of Japan. We will start with prehistory and continue up through the Meiji period. Episodes are released as soon as they are available--working on a monthly release schedule.



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    « Paroles d’histoire » est un podcast ouvert à toutes les périodes et toutes les approches qui permettent de réfléchir au passé, et à ses liens avec le présent. En invitant des historiennes et des historiens on pourra discuter de livres récents ou classiques, d’historiographie et de méthodologie, de débats et de controverses, et de tous les usages possibles de l’histoire, des plus savants aux plus courants, à l’école, au musée, à la télévision, sur internet. Podcast créé et animé par André Loez.

    HistoryScienceSocial Sciences


    1 Rating

    Honest. Independent. Unafraid. Always with aloha.



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    Do you desire to gain wisdom, make an impact on your world, and create a living legacy? Through the use of positive/encouraging stories, parables, allegories, and analogies we will explore the trails of everyday life in a practical and meaningful manner as we scale towards our summit of life. The purpose of our Wisdom-Trek podcast and journal is to teach you wisdom and discipline, to help you understand the insights of the wise, to teach you to live disciplined and successful lives, to help you do what is right, just, and fair. By obtaining this wisdom then you will be able to create a living legacy for today that will live on and be multiplied through the lives of is your portal to all things pertaining to the acquisition of wisdom, insight, and knowledge. The Wisdom-Trek platform includes this website along with a daily journal, and a daily podcast on wisdom and creating a living legacy. It is your portal because it is our hope that everyone will share and participate in gaining wisdom, insight, and discernment. As we gain wisdom it is so we can share what we have learned with others. No single person is ‘all-wise’ and when we share with each other that we all gain wisdom. We encourage you to share insights, ask questions, and grow together. Join us today and become part of the Wisdom-Trek team.



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    It’s early December 2014, and at the Hyatt Regency hotel in Rosemont, Illinois, an unusual gathering is taking place. It’s the final night of Midwest Furfest, the world’s largest convention for a subculture known as Furries.The party is in full swing when, just after midnight, attendees suddenly find themselves struggling to breathe. Something terrible has happened: poisonous levels of chlorine gas are sweeping through the hotel corridors.Nineteen people are hospitalized and hundreds are evacuated into the freezing cold, many still wearing their colorful anthropomorphic animal costumes, or fursuits. Hazmat teams trace the gas to a stairwell, where they find the remains of a chemical bomb. This was an intentional attack.But almost a decade later, the identity of the perpetrator remains a mystery. In Fur and Loathing, investigative reporter Nicky Woolf takes on the unsolved case, working closely with Furries to find answers. It’s a journey that will bring him face-to-face with the challenges this vibrant, often misunderstood subculture faces – including the far-right extremists looking to wreck the community from within.Support our show by becoming a premium member!

    True CrimeSocietyCulture


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    Hallo, herzlich Willkommen bei unserem Podcast! Wir sind Jenny und Andi und schon immer sind wir gerne gereist. Das hat sich auch mit unseren beiden Söhnen nicht geändert. Da wir uns bisher nicht auf eine Art des Reisens festlegen wollten und uns vieles Spaß macht, konnten wir in den letzten Jahren einiges ausprobieren und erleben. Vom Camping über Roadtrips und Rucksackreisen bis hin zu Pauschalreisen war so ziemlich alles dabei. Auch wenn wir primär individuelle Reisen bevorzugen, gefällt uns diese Mischung an Reisearten sehr gut. Was wir auf unseren kleinen und großen Reisen um die Welt, durch Europa oder Deutschland erleben und welche Tipps und Anregungen wir geben können, darüber berichten wir neben unserem Blog auch auf diesem Podcast.



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    بودكاست مع انتصار.. هو موعد أسبوعي للغوص في أعماق كل واحد منا. لنفهم معاً، من خلال قصص ومشاكل أشخاص قبلوا أن يتقاسموا معنا همومهم وتساؤلاتهم اليومية والحياتية، لماذا لا يسطيع البعض أن يتخطى بعض المشاكل. ولنفهم كيف يمكن أن نتعامل مع تلك الإشارات التي تبعثها لنا الحياة، في أوقات نغفل فيها، لاستدراك الأمور التي غالباً ما نجهل وجودها أصلاً ولا ندري كيف نتخطاها حتى نستطيع أن نعيش حياتنا بسلام.كل هذا وغيره في بودكاست مع واحدة من أشهر الخبراء النفسيين في المغرب، مدربة التنمية البشرية، كوتش انتصار كريمة عوادة.



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    All artists have experienced it: the dread of being asked the simple question, “So, what are you up to?” The truth is, we all have an answer, but so few of us feel like we have the right answer. On this podcast, we’ll ask some brave artists this dreaded question, and we’ll unpack the different ways they find fulfillment inside and outside of their artistic field.

    ArtsPerforming ArtsHealth


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    [de] Die Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung ist eine der sechs parteinahen politischen Stiftungen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Sie steht der Partei DIE LINKE nahe. Vorrangige Aufgabe der Stiftung ist die politische Bildung. Die Stiftung fördert mit ihrer Arbeit eine kritische Gesellschaftsanalyse, progressive kulturelle Ansätze sowie die Vernetzung emanzipatorischer Akteure. Sie agiert international im Feld der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und des gleichberechtigten Dialogs und dokumentiert mit Hilfe des Archivs des demokratischen Sozialismus wichtige Ergebnisse linker Politik. Darüber hinaus fördert sie im Rahmen ihres Studienwerks den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs mit Stipendien.[en] The Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung is one of the largest foundations dedicated to political education in Germany today, and stands in the intellectual and political tradition of democratic socialism. Initiated in 1990 as a small political association in Berlin known as “Gesellschaftsanalyse und politische Bildung e. V.”, it has since grown into a nationwide organization encompassing political education, discussion forums for critical thought and political alternatives, as well a research facility for progressive social analysis.RSS-Feed: Impressum: und Themenverteiler:



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    The Beyond Atheism Podcast moves beyond questions of God’s existence to ask: what now? What should atheists and other nonreligious people be doing next in a godless world? What does it mean to be an atheist today? Is there an atheist worldview? Is there an atheist politics?Hosted by Nathan Alexander, a historian of atheism and author of Race in a Godless World: Atheism, Race, and Civilization, 1850-1914, and Todd Tavares, a political science scholar and atheist organizer, the podcast asks big questions and aims to discover answers through discussion and debate. Join us!



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    Ellie is your everyday relatable chick just trying to live her best life. She and her producer Alanna talk dating, relationships, beauty, social media, workplace etiquette, and anything else your typical twenty-something might deal with. They might not have all the answers, but they'll figure them out right along with you.

    Barstool Sports
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    An Assembly of Fascinating and Intriguing Things, a weekly variety podcast that gives you just enough information on a topic to help you stand your ground at any social gathering. We explore big stories from true crime, history, and extraordinary people.

    True CrimeHistoryEducation


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    Acid Horizon and Inner Experience theory podcasts. Metaphysics, ethics, politics, critical theory, phenomenology, and beyond.



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    بودكاست عراقي هو برنامج يقدمه فلان من دولة لا تتكلم العربية بعد ولادته و نشأته في دولة تتكلم اللغة العربية من هذا المنطلق يحكي فلان عن مواقف و مفارقات و تحديات قد مر بها من قبل و يقدم نقده و وجهة نظره بشكل حر خالي من القيود. ملاحظة: البرنامج للكبار فقط لما قد يحمله من ألفاظ قد لا تناسب بعض الفئات العمرية, وهي مهمه لإيصال الفكرة بشكل كامل و عفوي.



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    Welcome to Blaxit Global, a bi-weekly podcast featuring inspiring conversations with trailblazing Black expats who out of fear or frustration, left their country of origin to live out their wildest dreams abroad. The podcast also chronicles the journey of host Chrishan Wright who made her Blaxit from the United States to Portugal. The show delves into topics of Blackness, oppression, cultural transition, economic opportunity, and other issues facing people of the African diaspora. Each episode is designed to demystify the planning and process of moving abroad by showcasing the triumphs and resiliency of Black expats. You’ve heard the term, now be inspired by the movement! Visit Blaxit Global online! Support Blaxit Global with a donation -



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    Plongez dans l'univers flamboyant de Garce Therapy, où la vérité n'a pas de filtre. Dans un monde où le motif léopard est roi et talons pointus regnent. Avec un mélange enivrant d'honnêteté crue et de glamour effronté, chaque épisode est comme feuilleter les pages d'un journal intime, mais avec une touche de piquant et de sarcasme en plus. Des confessions personnelles aux conversations profondes avec des invités de renom, rien n'est tabou sur Garce Therapy. C'est plus qu'un simple podcast, c'est une déclaration de puissance féminine, un hymne à l'authenticité, un baiser lancé a l'audace et une therapie entre amies.  Préparez-vous à rire, à réfléchir et à vous sentir inspiré, car ensemble, nous réinventons les règles du jeu pour repousser les limites du conventionnel. Chez Garce Therapy, nous embrassons la vie avec style et une bonne dose d'audace. C'est le rendez-vous incontournable pour toutes les femmes en quête de vérité, de glamour et de Cosmopolitans.Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.



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    The best of all possible podcasts, Leibniz would say. Putting big ideas in dialogue with the everyday, Overthink offers accessible and fresh takes on philosophy from enthusiastic experts. Hosted by professors Ellie Anderson (Pomona College) and David M. Peña-Guzmán (San Francisco State University).



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    Meet the experts on the frontlines: individuals with first-hand experiences facing a range of challenges. Their personal stories not only provide unique insights but also open up new possibilities for how we navigate our own lives.



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    Ever wondered how the law works? Real life lawyer, Devin Stone, is on a mission to explain the most important legal issues of the day . . . and also ruin your favorite legal TV shows. From the courthouse to Night Court, LegalEagle will break it all down and teach you how to think like a lawyer.



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