NEW: Send Personalized Podcast Recommendations with Podchaser

We are thrilled to announce Podchaser’s newest feature, Recommendations!

Sharing podcasts just got MUCH easier. From any podcast, episode, or creator page on Podchaser, enter an email address or search your Podchaser followers by username to directly share the page with a friend.

⚙️ Here’s How It Works

Easily Recommend Podcasts, Episodes, or Creators

On any podcast, episode, or creator page you will find a card for recommending that page to a friend. There you can send a recommendation to a Podchaser user* or input the email address of a friend. You can even include a personalized message to really sell your recommendation!

All recommendations you send are private and will only be shown to you and the person you’re sending it to.

*In order to send to another Podchaser user, that user must be following your user profile.

They’ll Get a Notification of your Recommendation

Once you hit send, your friend will receive a notification via email and our brand new inbox panel. There they’ll see your message and easily click through to the Podchaser page. They can even express their gratitude with a quick “Thanks!”

Your Inbox

Similar to the notifications panel, your inbox is located in the navigation bar. It will show you any pending requests that need your attention, including recommendations, follow requests, and more.

🌟 More to Come!

We are working hard to make 2020 an amazing year for Podchaser! We’d love to have your feedback on what upcoming features you’d like to see. Let us know by voting on our Integrations page or joining our community Slack channel.

Unlock more with Podchaser Pro

  • Audience Insights
  • Contact Information
  • Demographics
  • Charts
  • Sponsor History
  • and More!
Pro Features